Finding joy in the people around him: 5 questions with Erik Luna, general manager of Beatnik On The River and the recently opened GoodFunk

Sometimes it’s the things that you don’t get that can lead to life-changing events. That’s certainly the case for Erik, who discovered his love for the hospitality industry during his high school days while frequenting a local reggae club. While he hoped to land a bartender gig there, he never got the job. Instead, he headed to a fine dining spot on the Mag Mile and, after a whirlwind of meeting people and amazing experiences, he landed at Bonhomme Hospitality four years ago. “Working in this industry, meeting so many wonderful people and making such great friends has been a blessing,” he says. (Note to Erik: The feeling’s mutual.) Here, Erik talks about his go-to Bonhomme dishes, his love for his fellow Bonhommies and why yelling is never the answer.


What skills does someone need to be successful at your job?

Patience, understanding and foresight are a must. It’s all about being able to manage that sacred triangle: guests, employees and ownership, three entities whose desires conflict with each other very often. Empathy is also a key skill. Working with compassion and purpose helps make it feel less like work and more like a journey with friends. There’s this theory that you need to scream at people to get them to work their hardest. I can assure you that the opposite is true.


What’s your superpower?

Reading minds and using a crystal ball [Editor’s note: So that’s how Erik is always ahead of the game!]. It’s an old trick I learned from my voodoo family.

Favorite Bonhomme dishes and drinks?

The Huevos Rotos shooter at Mama Delia is my favorite dish right now. Mamu Vida is my favorite cocktail (it’s currently a secret off-menu item at the Beatniks). Order one and you won’t be disappointed. The Spanish Coffee at Bordel is a very close second.


What do you like best about your job?

The uncertainty and unexpected surprises. Each day is unlike any other. New people, opportunities and challenges are a daily treat. Most importantly, I love the entire team. It’s very rare to work somewhere and truly be grateful for everyone front to back. It’s really made this twisting, winding road of life much more comforting and exciting to know you’re around such amazing people.

The perfect day off?

The truth really is just spending time with my household doing anything. I love being around them!




Sea breeze: Bonhomme Exec Pastry Chef Shannah Primiano heads to the beach for this Porto dessert


All the fun, none of the booze: The details behind Bonhomme’s new no-proof cocktails