Family matters: The story behind Beatnik’s best-selling cocktail, El Guapo

It’s rare that a cocktail can move you to tears (well, perhaps the next morning, but that’s another story). But at Beatnik West Town and Beatnik On The River, Bonhomme Hospitality Bar Director Jesse Filkins has managed to create a drink that outsells all others on a regular basis as well as has a lovely story behind it.


A refreshing mix of tequila, guava puree, mint- and fresno pepper-infused agave, lime and a dash of grapefruit bitters that’s garnished with a grapefruit slice, tajin and a dehydrated lime wheel, El Guapo is inspired by Filkins’ tender relationship with his grandfather, who he lost at a young age, and the memories he still holds close to his heart.


“My grandfather and I used to sit on the front porch of his house in the sun and snack on fruit with lime and tajin,” says Jesse. “He used to call to me, ‘Ven aqui, guapo [‘Come here, handsome’].’” To honor his grandfather, Jesse recreated the flavors of that beloved Mexican snack in cocktail form. (For the record, says Jesse, his grandfather always had a bottle of tequila in the house.) Three years later, it’s the one drink he can’t ever take off the menu without upsetting guests.

“This is actually one of my favorite cocktails because of the story and who it reminds me of. I think the popularity of El Guapo comes from my passion for the drink and the heart I put into it,” says Jesse. “I don’t think I’ll ever top that love in a cocktail.”





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